Ingram’s Corporate Report 100 Kansas City’s Fastest Growing Companies
Fire Door Solutions (1st Year)
Gross Revenue: 2018: $21,298,779 2015: $2,985,338
Growth: 635.62%
Average Annual Growth Rate: 211.87%
Full-time employees: 200
Right space, right time: When federal authorities ordered increased compliance with life-safety building issues in health-care facilities several years ago, Fire Door Solutions was almost uniquely qualified to capitalize. Jeff Perry founded the company in 2012, the first year of those compliance orders, and Fire Door has developed customized processes and procedures to successfully inspect, repair, re-label and formally report on key life-safety issues around fire doors, dampers and fire-stopping. As an enterprise in an emerging market, its levels of service have been the single largest growth determinant, and in the span of seven years, it has become a national leader in compliance services for passive fire-protection systems. The Stilwell-based outfit now supports clients in all 50 states, and has more than 200 employees. A lot of companies will rightfully boast of providing unparalleled quality, but Perry goes them one better by providing “irrational service, knowing that others’ lives depend on our lives” to lighten the burden for customers.

Fire Door Solutions ranks in the top ten of Ingram’s Corporate Report 100